EL PERDÓN DE LA VÍCTIMA en el Sistema Penal Panameño

Una garantía imprecisa.


  • Hugo E. Bonilla M. Cursos de Postgrado en Derecho Administrativo – España; Maestría en Derecho Penal y Procesal Penal; Docente en Derecho Laboral – ISAE


With the implementation in our country, of the Accusatory Criminal System, by means of Law 63 of August 28, 2008, which adopts the Criminal Procedure Code, a new criminal legal reality begins, of accusatory court, that is to say, the Fundamental Rights prevail, as respect for human dignity.In this sense, we will analyze the new and little known figure of the Forgiveness of the Victim, in the criminal proceedings, the same that is in force in the Penal Code of the Republic of Panama previously the victim was not part of the process of extinction of the punishment, such as the death of the accused, the prescription, the withdrawal of the trial, the res judicata, the execution of the sentence, the pardon, the agreement between the parties, however, now there is a new figure such as the forgiveness of the victim. The problem is whether there is a specific delimitation for some cases expressly determined by criminal law or the figure exists and does not apply.

Key words: Forgiveness of the victim; human dignity.

